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September 19, 2010

Fire Dragon Ball..

Have you ever walked on a tropical river in the country at night, and suddenly out of the river red light balls for eggs up into the sky? This happens every year in October in the Mekong river (this river have appeared in the movie Rambo 3). This strange natural phenomenon called ball of fire "dragon".

These balls of light emerged from the water, get out and climbed into the sky and then disappear by itself. Cool huh? These balls of light casualties NEVER and NEVER burn anything. Strange balls of fire was seen hundreds of people every year and lots of video on youtube.
Some scientists try to explain this phenomenon. They say this may be due to fermentation in the river sediment. Sediments originating from animal dungs, which released the gas bubbles, rising to the surface of the river and burned so moving air. Well, it seems the most plausible explanation. But this theory is still a lot of irregularities.

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