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September 26, 2010

Living with a knife pat on the head for 3 years ...

A man in Brazil are surprisingly able to survive for three years with a knife stuck in his head. The knife was eventually able to be revoked after surgery earlier this week.

Can not stand the pain in his head for three years, Nascimento had to take risks to perform the surgery knife. As a result, the operation went smoothly. Now, he was free from pain, which was felt for three years.

Nascimento Edeilson a mechanic, was forced to live with a 10 centimeter knife stuck in his head during the last three years. His head was pierced by a knife after he was involved in a fight at a bar.

Operations performed by 29-year-old man was a success. He was expected to be discharged from the hospital in the city of Recife, next week. So reported the Associated Press on Saturday (25/09/2010).
Nascimente admitted, he was involved in a bar brawl in 2007, when he returned to the house, he was attacked by unknown persons and suffered puncture wounds on his head.

The first time he came to the hospital after being stabbed, the doctors just throw up the knife from the head while the sharp is still stuck in his head. The doctor was worried if the knife is revoked entirely can cause damage to the brain Nascimento.
Can not stand the pain in his head for three years, Nascimento had to take risks to perform the surgery knife. As a result the operation went smoothly. Now he was free of pain experienced over the years.


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