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September 2, 2010

Paediatric gastroparesis...

Initially, this teenage girl thought to suffer from an eating disorder bulimia. But apparently, it was worse, any food into the stomach, always turned out again from the mouth that makes the girl did not eat for eight months.

14-year-old girl Utah, United States, suffer from diseasesrare, paediatric gastroparesis. This nerve disorder makes your abdominal muscles paralyzed, so she could not swallow food since December 2009.

Quoted from Dailymail, Friday (3/9/2010), doctors thought this girl named Gentrie Hansen suffered from bulimia because it shows the same symptoms with eating disorders are. Any food that was forced into the stomach, always turned out again from her mouth.

Other diagnosis could be given a doctor's, bacterial infections from food fermentation, but it was not recovered after being given antibiotics. Even continued to deteriorate, until finally in January 2010 Gentrie rushed to the hospital because of severe dehydration.
While in hospital, the girl who previously was active in cheerleading groups (cheerleaders) is just getting nutrition through a catheter. In addition to making her weight dropped from 50 kg to 38 kg in just one month, providing nutrition in a way that makes her heart function unencumbered.
After Botox injections also failed to improve the condition of this girl (height 170 cm), another attempt to do is install the gastric tube, namely a pipe connected directly to the digestive tract. However, up to six times the installation, the body Gentrie always gives rejection.
Finally, in July this year, doctors in the latest technology to pair the device driver stomach muscles stomach (gastric pacemaker). After installed the tool, end of the last week, Gentrie, finally able to swallow her first food, in the last eight months. 
Paediatric gastroparesis is a very rare neurological disorder, which makes movement of the abdominal muscles are not coordinated, or even completely paralyzed as experienced Gentrie. Its cause is unknown, but in this case the doctor believes the cause is a virus. 

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