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Cheers for all

May 8, 2010

Already Ready?

Through life, of course you all have a lot of responsibility ....
Primarily the responsibility of the people you loved ones (family & children) ...
Probably not, it your responsibility to the others in case something unexpected happened to you? Have ready your people who have lost loved you for forever? This question is closely related to financial ....
Why is that? Because it can not be denied to today's era, a highly charged financial establishment .. am I right ????? And if you could ensure your survival in the family? Since each second,,, anything can happen ................ believe it or not, I'm sure you must believe it ......

Prepare yourself to deal with everything, although nothing as bad as the situation was ... not a hope, just keep all possibilities.
Like the old school era still,,, getting ready for someone to face test / exam, the more calm he was facing replications / test and certainly will be more then great replay value / her exam later ... although he did not know exactly what questions will be given by the teacher ..................................
How do I prepare for facing a test / exam?
The answer surely already know? True,,, the answer is LEARN ........
What if the replication suddenly happen? What is important is often learn, no problem for him ....

Well ............. how your readiness for the family, when it comes to TEST your LIFE? Because EXAM LIFE must come suddenly,, hehehe (laughing)
Remember what I wrote above, because this is very important for all the family (who responsible and loving family of course )..........!!

I am ready to share are invited on the matter, and I am ready to split the responsibility with you .................. promise!


  1. bagaimana caranya ?
    tolong diberikan penjelasan yang lebih detail..tq

  2. aku tertarik dengan apa yg anda sampaikan ...
    aku cuma belum faham betul maksud dari tulisan" anda...
    untuk info lebih lanjut, mungkin aku bisa menghubungi anda lewat hp,,,,tq

  3. siiippp deh, pokoke wa melok ae

  4. ada kalanya kalo seorang pelajar yg pintar, dia ga perlu belajar, tapi nilainya bagus terus.
    kalo yang seperti itu kasusnya, bagaimana donk ??
    xixixixixxi,,,becanda !?
