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July 21, 2010

Human electricity

This guy is incredible. His body could be electrified, the electricity that flows through the body can be used to heat 15 ml of water with a temperature of 25 degree Celsius to 97 degrees Celsius (77 F-206 F) within 1 minute 37 seconds. It is a remarkable man, Slavisa Pajkic "Biba" comes from Serbia.

In front of the Guinness World Record team, he demonstrated mastery of water heating, even grilling hot dogs, how, hot dogs pierced with the tip of the iron where the iron on both sides be held by Biba so popular name Slavisa Pajkic. Through the iron's, Biba provide electricity to roast hot dogs.
Like the 'oven' in an instant, inviting fragrance of hot dogs out appetite. Hot dogs that have honor and ready to eat.


Almost the same thing he did when heating water. Do you have electric water cooker that uses elements to deliver electricity. Well that's what "Biba". The difference, in the cup which he dipped the ends iron in the hold. Now residing in the body electric "Biba" will flow into the iron or that element, to heat water.

The issue is how the body "Biba" may contain electricity? Had not we know that humans exposed to electric shock can result in death?

"Biba" got the power of human record from the Guinness record, since November 2001, and until now has never been solved. 

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