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June 11, 2010

Andes Survivors

On Friday, October 13, 1972, a Uruguayan air force flew over the Andes carrying Stella Maris College Rugby team from Monteviseo, Uruguay. To play a match in Santiago, Chile. When peswat it flew through the gap in pegungungan, air monitoring in Santiago told the pilot that the aircraft is above the Curico, Chile and fatherly allowed to land. This proved to be a fatal mistake. Because the gap is covered by clouds, the pilot must rely on the usual time required to traverse the mountain. But they failed to take into account the strong winds which in turn slow the aircraft and increase the time required to cross the mountains.
As a result, deflection and a decrease in aircraft that are too fast before the plane managed to cross the mountains. Twelve people were killed in the accident. The people who survived not only have to hunger and face the daunting mountains but also the temperature of -30 degrees when the evenings. They survive on food reserves they had until they were rescued. But they lose hope when they heard that the search had been halted on the radio.
Despair with the lack of food and physical fatigue they were forced to eat their own colleague who had died to stay alive. Finally after bored with very low temperatures and the threat of landslides and saddened by the death of their partner and the bad rescue prospects, two of them decided to cross the mountains to reach Chile. On December 22, 1972, after 72 days isolation, the world knows that there are 16 people who survived in the Andes mountains.


  1. Replies
    1. They are fine just getting a little old!

  2. There are so many spelling mistakes LOL
