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June 11, 2010

Mauro Prosperi

Prosperi, a marathon runner des Sables in 1994 in Morocco. After the past six days and 233 kilometers distance desert storm caused Prosperi to lose the road. Finally, he was confused and ran in the wrong direction, ultimately running several hundred kilometers to Algeria. After 36 hours he ran out of food and water. He survived by drinking his own urine and eating bats that live in a mosque that had been abandoned and sometimes snakes found in the desert. Do not want to die in the desert, he tried to commit suicide at the mosque by slitting his wrists with a small knife he had. His efforts failed because of lack of water that causes blood to thicken and clotted before he died.
After nine days alone in the desert, he was discovered by a nomadic family and taken to an Algerian military camp and from there taken to the hospital. He has lost 186 miles of the route marathonnya, and is reported to have lost around 30-40 pounds of body weight.

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