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August 6, 2010

Redenominasi ....

Redenominasi plan was greeted positively by the various parties, as well as banking. Redenominasi Through this, the rupiah will appear more powerful because its value will be close to the U.S. dollar.
This was conveyed by the Corporate Director of PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI) Krishna Suparto when met at the Hotel Dharmawangsa, Jakarta, Friday (6/8/2010).

"Redenominasi was okay, it's name is simplification. Later the rupiah would approach dollars. In addition, banks no longer give credit worth trillions, but millions of course," he explained.
According to Krishna, is still kept under review redenominasi BI, but he believes the plan is positive. Since the existing examples of successful in various countries.

"I was in Bali, there are restaurants who wrote the menu prices without zero in the background. But it's more simple. If the accounting side is also better. It does not take much space, this idea is new and still in the form of discourse," he said.
While the pros and cons about the emergence in society, Krishna said the BI should be more frequent dissemination of the plan.

As is known, the central bank will conduct redenominasi Indonesian rupiah for the largest fraction of money currently 100 000 rupiah. The rupiah has broken the world's second largest, is the largest first printing currency 500 000 Vietnamese Dong. But do not take into account the state of Zimbabwe, the country, ever print a 100 billion Zimbabwe dollars, the currency in a single sheet.

BI will start to socialize redenominasi until 2012, and followed by a period of transition. In the transition period used two rupiah, which use long term rupiah, and the rupiah redenominasi result, called the new rupiah. BI target in the year 2022 redenominasi process is complete.....wow great !!

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