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September 16, 2010

The impact of sport on the face

Sports, is very important for the health of our bodies.But it turns out, in addition to our body's health, sport can also make someone younger.

This fact is obtained from the results of research from the University of St Andrews, UK. The study was conducted as part of an Active Nation, which encourages people in Scotland for more training to welcome the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014, later. According to study leader Ross Whitehead, with the study expected a more active lifestyle can provide extra benefits in appearance.

A team of 10 researchers from the Perception Lab at the university simulate, supine exercise may affect one's appearance, based on the projected weight gain as much as an average of 0.55 kg for women each year, and 0.74 kg for men. Neck and lower jaw were among the most affected due to sagging skin.

In the study, the Whitehead team showed pictures of three people and how their faces turned in 10 to 20 years, due to lack of physical activity. Images are then compared with images of faces that get the benefits of regular exercise.
One of the respondents involved in the study admitted, "I never thought about the damage that can occur on my face all the time. Frightening also see the difference."

Meanwhile, Lisa Thompson (20), mother of a child, saying, "I know, I'm not exercising enough at this time. But the results of this study spurred me to start exercising!"

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