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September 17, 2010

Magic Shirt

A bottle of this if you spray paint on the body, will suddenly turn into a piece of clothing that fits, fits like a second skin. You believe this?
Try this cloth in the can, spray into your body and please create more. The result? A fitted shirt that really fits your body shape looks as if it had been sprayed into the body. Actually, the liquid mixture is made from cotton fibers that make us able to spray ourselves to make a T-shirt, gown, swimsuit and hat.

Aerosol packaging in bottles of fabric is the idea of designer Spain Dr. Manel Torres, who has spent nearly ten years working on his invention. In photographs that demonstrate how it works, he sprayed the T-shirt, blue and white on the model just under 15 minutes.
Drying as soon as it stuck to the skin, clothing is removable, washable and re-used. Torres worked with Dr. Paul Luckham, Professor of Particle Technology at Imperial College London, to create Fabrican, which consists of cotton fibers, polymers (plastics that hold them together) and the solvent which remains in liquid form.
Dr. Torres said the idea was to create fast and cheap clothes, that everything will be perfect. "I really wanted to make a material futuristic, smooth, fast and comfortable," he said.
'To demonstrate the science and technology can help fashion designer, I am finally back to first principles of textiles, which are also produced by taking the fiber and find a way to tie them together without weaving or sewing. "
  Fabrican and Dr. Torres also attempted to minimize solvent odor different from the clothing. And although some spray-on design will be exhibited at London Fashion Week, ending the fabric can be used to instant everything from bandages to furniture upholstery.

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