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May 12, 2010

Hildebrand & Wolfmüller motorcycle.

Create the biker mania,,,, this is the world's first motorcycle built in 1895 ..............Perhaps the readers already know a lot, but could not hurt us discuss a bit about the world's oldest motorcycle ....
Despite hundreds of years old, was the first motorcycle in the world already use the technology to this very day is still used as the Twin-Cylinder, 4 valve, water cooler, and 1500 cc engine .... fantastic!But the past (oldies) remained oldies well,,,, although large-engine, horsepower was produced only 2.5 hp at 240 rpm just ... heehehehe.

Two brothers, Hendry and Wilhelm develop this motor in cooperation with Alois Wolfmuller and a mechanic named Hans Geisenhof .....C'mon,,,, our current generation would donate what  to create the next generation? Debt times ..... well hahahahahahhaaa

Okay all's,,, may be useful to read well, thank's

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