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May 12, 2010

Can't Grow Old

Children who carried the name of Brooke Greenberg (women) ..
Actually he was already 17 years old, but because of his genes fail in development, the physical and mental development of humans in general do not like 17 year old ..
Doctors did not know what the cause and can only say that condition called syndrome x. ..

Greenberg was born in Reistertown near Baltimore, the United States. When he was born like other babies, looks normal.
But before moving the age of two, she was attacked by an unknown disease. And because the disease is x, its growth had stalled since then ...
The high is only 30 inches (about 75 cm), in character as one-year-old child, his bones like a 10-year-old child, but his teeth like a baby tooth, but unfortunately ,,,,,, Greenberg can not speak, only able to hear and can also mimic the movement ....

By studying the DNA Greenberg, scientists are expected to reveal the secret of youth, developed through the therapy and could help to overcome the diseases associated with aging.

"Our hypothesis says that he suffered damage in his genes. If only we could use DNA to find genetic mutation, then we can have a test to try if it can be to stop or delay the aging process as our will," said Professor Richard Walker , from the University of South Florida School MedicineWalker, as reported by telegraph.co.uk, Monday (05/10/2010).

Okay all's,,, so once n 'yeah, hopefully useful, thank's ..................................

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