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July 21, 2010

Floating Village of Lake Titicaca

Imagine waking up and then see the world float past our window, about what is going on disasters - floods or storms nightmare being hit our house? Or is this just an ordinary day in the bed of grass floating on the lake Titicaca.
Located at an altitude of 3812 meters in the Peruvian desert, here there are 40 floating islands. Originally made by the Uros people of Peru from Inca times, this beautiful island is used for refuge and shelter from the war that never stopped in their homeland. Uros tribe way this can really make them difficult to reach by the aggressor, and because it worked very well for their society for centuries, it seems there is no reason to move to the mainland. Is carefully made by hand, this floating village composed of layers of thatch grass tortora taken as one and tied to a floating base structure, such as pontoons.

The result is like a giant raft, and incredibly capable of withstanding heavy loads and large. These islands are actually quite sophisticated and could be forced to bear but also to be repaired on a regular basis to maintain its strength. When the thatch-old thatch began essentially independent of structure, weeds, new weeds replace it on its surface. Thatch grass was carefully taken from the edge of Lake Titicaca. These islands moored in place with ropes tied to wooden poles to the bottom. Only a few of the islands who want to receive visitors, which does not mean things are not good because there are reports that Uros tribe living tradition is changing rapidly due to increasing their interaction with the tourists. The inhabitants of the lake is thought of himself as a protector of the lake, and it is said earlier of the Incan civilization, and according to legend from generation to generation, even existed before the sun, stars and moon. No wonder they're worried about pestered by people who want to know much about them. 

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